
Tag: libertarian

Minarchists And Anarchists: Are They On The Same Path?

A common libertarian understanding of the debate between minarchists and anarchists is to view it as a sliding scale. E.g. minarchism is far less State aggression and anarchism is none. There are lots of caveats, such as some minarchists think there can be a State without aggression, or that anarchism will actually have more aggression.

10 Books to Make You a Better Libertarian

So you’ve got the basics of libertarianism down. Taxation is theft, the market does things better than the state, etc, etc. There’s still much more to be discovered, however, whether it be more sophisticated ethical arguments, or historical examples that bolster your intuitions. This list of books will expand your knowledge and understanding of the rich political

If You Don’t Like it, Leave!

This is excerpted from The Myth of the Social Contract by Andrew Kern   If you’ve ever questioned why the state has the authority to do something or even wondered aloud whether the status quo is the best that it could be, it’s likely someone has told you some variant of “If you don’t like

An Evaluation of Social Contract Theory

This is excerpted from The Myth of the Social Contract by Andrew Kern If you’ve ever discussed politics at a level more in-depth than red vs blue, someone has probably brought up Social Contract Theory. This topic is filled with more convoluted and fuzzy thinking than nearly anything else. In this series, I intend to help