
Tag: law

“It’s the Law!”

Often, objections to police misconduct, business regulations, taxation, or just some trivial statute inspire the response of "it's the law." The implication being that we shouldn't do it because the law prohibits it.

The Special Interest Problem

There are myriad problems that plague democratic government. One, in particular, is that in practice “the will of the people” actually means “the power of interest groups”.

Consent: Is It Implied?

This is excerpted from The Myth of the Social Contract by Andrew Kern One of the ways states are said to gain the rightful authority to rule is through implied consent. There are no explicit contracts signed with the government which grant it all of the power it exercises. Thus, it is claimed that in

No Jeff Sessions, All Laws Should Not Be Enforced

Some time ago, Attorney General Jeff Sessions seemed to communicate the view that all laws should be enforced because it is moral, as well as biblical to do so. Sessions is wrong. The laws of the state have historically been used to oppress and terrorize peoples. We should not respect and enforce a law based merely on the