
Tag: free market

Thank the Market for Ending Child Labor

For most of human existence child labor was the norm. Thanks to relatively recent advances in productivity in industrialized nations, most children are able to attend school and enjoy their childhood free from hard labor.

Health Care Needs An Uber Revolution

When I was standing on the side of the road a dozen different drivers came up to offer me their service. I’d like to start seeing that in medicine. Just imagine if you had a health problem, and a dozen different doctors came to you to offer you their services.

Libertarianism as a Market for Governance

As long as people interact with others, rules which govern their behavior will be necessary. What often goes unnoticed, however, are the myriad non-state methods and institutions which create and alter the rules of our society.

The Free Market: The Enemy of Racists

In a market setting, racists who arbitrarily discriminate are forced to pay for that decision. If an employer refuses to hire anyone of a particular race or sex, they are limiting their potential pool of labor. With self-imposed diminished options to choose from, the most productive employees may be excluded, and the firm overall will