This is excerpted from The Myth of the Social Contract by Andrew Kern If you’ve ever questioned why the state has the authority to do something or even wondered aloud whether the status quo is the best that it could be, it’s likely someone has told you some variant of “If you don’t like
This is excerpted from The Myth of the Social Contract by Andrew Kern If you’ve ever discussed politics at a level more in-depth than red vs blue, someone has probably brought up Social Contract Theory. This topic is filled with more convoluted and fuzzy thinking than nearly anything else. In this series, I intend to help
In a market setting, racists who arbitrarily discriminate are forced to pay for that decision. If an employer refuses to hire anyone of a particular race or sex, they are limiting their potential pool of labor. With self-imposed diminished options to choose from, the most productive employees may be excluded, and the firm overall will
The federal government setting the rules for the entire border is the worst possible route for people who care about respecting the wishes of individuals.